The Ancient Gods(1) founded their underwater fortress on Earth long after the War of the Heretic Wizards by Chirapters(2).
They were used to cross the dimensions and the space through multidimensional alignments and they returned on this planet long after their first visits.
The Ancient Gods were original from other dimensions and endowed with immense powers over creation and multiverses, themselves made of a material that overcame the limits of time and space; so they resulted constituted by an essence capable of coexisting in many universes and guaranteeing them immortality and indestructibility.
Despite their powers and abilities they were regarded as noisy and annoying young adolescents by other even more powerful deities who had shared visits in this dimension too, such as the the original Chthonic Gods(3), Tenkish (4), Gomura (5), the Court of Azazoth(6), and the Sultan Almighty(7).
So the Ancients Gods paid attention to their visits to the planets, on the one hand attracted by the idea of showing their power and their dominion over these worlds and at the same time intimidated by the risk of having to confront more powerful Gods.
On the Earth, The Ancient Gods instituted cults to indulge their nature at different times, first they were worshiped by a species of intelligent marine arthropods of the primary age, then by mighty warm-blooded creatures from the secondary age.
These cults satisfied and nourished the Ancient Gods, but when they became too active and began to pervade the multidimensional ether of the region, the original Chthonic Gods required the Ancient Gods to moderate their practices and sometimes dispelled these essences or dispersed their followers.

When the Original Chthonic Gods decided to mostly abandon the Earth after the War of the Heretic Wizards, the Ancient Gods returned to Earth and erected underwater fortress in the middle of the Ocean, as they did also on other thousands of planets, then most of them hibernated in armored sarcophagi to await an age where to be able to return active without having to submit to the laws of the Chthonic Gods.
The Ancient Gods had several species of succubus, some original from Earth other from other locations; these were used to worship the Anciend Gods as well as to look after them in their sanctuaries. Succubus included anthropomorphic entities similar to fishs or covered by tentacles, other ones appeared in the form of huge cnidarian anthozoas with thousand poisonous pseudopodes, others were similar to fish or cephalopods.
Indeed the Ancient Gods found annoying moslty immediately the presence of the Jinishs (8) that were still infesting the vibrating elements remained on the Earth. So they entrusted their own succubi the task of eradicating this breed of parasites.
The treatment proved effective first, and many of these Jinishs were brought into the fortress and subjected to rites and torments to extract from their spirit essences of which the Ancient Gods were greedy: the tanks of the sarcophagi were filled with these essences and the Ancient Gods resulted happy.
The Great Priest and Grand Minister of the Ancient Gods, responsible to preserve the sarcophagi during this era, was initially fascinated by the Jinishs and their impetuous nature and intelligence, he enjoyed observing them both in freedom and in captivity, and even when his succubi tormented them to extract the essences for the sarcophagi; he was also amused to see how the Jinishs managed to escape capture attempts and how bravely they fought with the succubi.
However, soon the High Priest understood that these parasites were too clever and annoying to be considered a leisure; he lost his patience when one of these, called by the other Riblis (9), managed to damage parts of the underwater fortress.
So Finally the Ancient God decided, by his role as Grand Minister, to free one of his young Chthonic Adepts, called Meflish (10), and ordered him to deal with the problem and capture the last of these annoying creatures.
For Meflish it was easy to set up a trap and capture this rebellious Jinish and chain him down; Meflish throw him, mutilated, into an area infradimensional with a curse of nonexistence.
The Young God returned to the Grand Minister the hands and feet of that Jinish to be employed in rites and he obtained praise from the powerful Ancient God.
While the ages passed all the Ancient Gods entered hibernation in the sarcophagi and the fortress of the abyss became dormant, observing the passage of time on Earth without too much interest.
The corrupt remains of the rebellious Jinish arts were eventually thrown away, resulting no longer useful for rituals after thousands years of torment, while Meflish was left free to watch over the new emerging species, remaining in the shadow of the depths of the Earth to protect the hidden Fortress of the Ancient Gods.

(1) Ancient Gods: They are alien creatures of immense power original from other immortal and indestructible space-time dimensions, from some they are assimilated to the Great Old Ones from others to the Outer Gods
(2) Chirapters: Hypothetical alien race with bat-like appearance from Jebesh, an unknown planet, they would have founded the mythical city of Rashas over 30 million years ago in the region today called Tunisia
(3) Original Chthonic Gods: Gods of the mythological undergrounds of which practically nothing is known except names and epithets, according to some, they are similar to shamanic entities present in the Archaic period; among them we remember Frenosha, called the pure daughter of Thenkish assimilated by some to Feronia, Etruscan divinity and Caprush, called the magnanimous sister of Thenkish, assimilated by some to Cupra, an entity sacred to the Picenes
(4) Thenkish: Chthonic God, called the thundering, identified by someone with the human cult of Etna (Eurignazian deity)
(5) Gomuna: Chthonic Goddess called the dark consort of Thenkish and identified by someone with Chera (archaic Greek Roman divinity)
(6) the Court of Azazoth: Powerful High-Powered Chthonic Gods who live at the court of Azazoth, identified by some with the Outer Gods
(7) the Sultan Omnipotent or Azazoth: Supreme Divinity of immense power and chaotic, identified by someone as Azathoth, the Blind and Idiot God at center of Universe
(8) Jinish: creatures generated by magma thanks to the powers of the Chthonic Gods; they are often assimilated to the Jinns of Islamic culture, to the known Western genes or to the Angels themselves
(9) Riblis: called the Mutterer, another name used to refer to Rijatal, Jinish rebel, originally known as the Flaming, then became Riblis the Mutterer, according to some minority theories it can be assimilated to Agi, Vedic divinity of Light and fire
(10) Meflish, evil Subterranean Deity, sometimes identified with Enki as the Sumerian god of knowledge, of water and evil
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