This happened before the waters covered the lands, ages before life appeared and rain made the grass grow over the ground.
The vibrations traversed space time, caressing the metaphysical flesh of Thenkish, nourishing them with pleasure and energy in a way destined to be incomprehensible to those who lived imprisoned in the physics of a single dimension.
Thenkish reflected these vibrations on Gomuna and viceversa, They and other Gods reverberated the vibrations by making new volcanoes of gigantic size, as they did on thousands of planets in many dimensions.

The illusion of time made the vibrating elements grow improperly, sometimes up to destabilize the entire planet, or even the relative solar system; other times, they simply switched off leaving behind them impalpable powders capable of adhering to the souls of living creatures and transferring them a vague perception of the metaphysical world hidden beyond the folds of time.
Few creatures were able to grasp these levels of reality, some limited themselves to being attracted like fireflies by the light and to burn at their contact or to change their nature.
Occasionally, some creatures were able to perceive minimal elements of the metaphysics, this happened very rarely, but in those cases new cults born that instead of worshiping the mighty volcanoes or thundering lightening, manifestations often produced by the energy of the Gods, worshiped more directly them in the ways they prefer.
The Chirapters (3), creatures of a distant world, similar to great bats, had this gift and in many worldsm they contributed with dedication to curing the vibrating elements, eliminating the parasites; however sometimes it happened that they themselves became an infestation destined to be fought by the Gods.
Right on Earth, a few dozen millions year ago there was a serious form of infestation, called by Chirapter Colonists, Chramak(4), an infestation exploded soon into a War among these creatures, called War of the Heretic Wizards that led to their eradication from the planet earth.
Tenkish and the other Chthonic Gods(5) were annoyed by these events; first Frenosha (6) the pure daughter and Caprush (7) the magnanimous sister tried to take care of cleaning up the Earth from that infestation with light treatments, but when the situation degenerated it was just Tenkish who decided to use "antagonists", the Jinish ( 8), to combat that infestation in order to solve the problem radically, minimizing damage to vibrating elements.
The introduction of the Jinish, creatures from the pulsating magmatic heart of the planet with limited physical and metaphysical powers, proved decisive and cleansed the planet, so the Gods decided to use them also in other times and spaces, but in the end it turned out that the Jinish could become harmful themselves and damage the vibrating elements getting lost in vane fights.
Gomura blamed Tenkish several times saying that solving problems by these creations led to more problems than the original ones.
Soon it became common to inseminate new worlds, leaving the vibrating elements that had become unstable to their fate.
Tenkish was annoyed by these criticisms and found it unbearable that those insignificant creatures were so disturbing and ungrateful: even the most loyal ones among Jinish did not seem able to extirpate the rebels.
Despite the insignificant contribution of the vibrating elements on Earth, Tenkish would have given Gomura clearance to disperse the planet to ashes or burn the multidimensional tissue of the region himself to eliminate the infestation, if only these actions did not involve recognizing the fact that Gomura was right in his criticism on his work.
He and the other Chthonic Gods withdrew from the Earth, as they had already done in many contaminated worlds, visiting only occasionally it, in more recent ages and leaving, the antagonists faithful Jinish to patrol occasionally the remaining vibrant elements, even if now they resulted almost completely extinguished.
In the end, for the Chthonic Gods, the Jinish were not demigods as they were considered by many creatures, but just ungrateful creatures turned into simple and annoying parasites.

(1) Thenkish: Chthonic God, identified by somebody as Etna God (deity eurignatian)
(2) Gomuna: Chthonic Goddess, wife of Thenkish and assimilated by somebody with Chera (arcaic deity Greek Roman)
(3) Chirapters: Hypothetical alien race, similar to bats, coming from unknown planet Jebesh; they are supposed founders of mighty city of Rashas on Earth, 30 millions year ago near actual Tunisia
(4) Chramak: marginalization period between Chirapter Colony on Earth and their other Planets as well as between Rashas Town and Black Towers erected on Earth surface
(5) Chthonic Gods: Gods of the mythological undergrounds of which practically nothing is known except names and epithets, according to some, they are similar to shamanic entities present in the archaic age
(6) Frenosha: called the pure daughter of Thenkish, assimilated by some to Feronia, an Etruscan divinity
(7) Caprush, called the magnanimous sister of Thenkish, assimilated by some to Cupra, sacred entity to the Picenes
(8) Jinish: creatures generated by magma thanks to the powers of the Chthonic Gods; they are often assimilated to the Jinns of Islamic culture, to the known Western genes or to the Angels themselves
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