The Goth Legendary World is Dark and lays on a different dimension, hidden from human reality, therefore many points of contacts are available in secret places to shift from one to the other World. Most humans will never realize that the Goth Legendary World exists, however sometime the Rulers of this World, called Superior Ones, act to influence our planet and the whole humanity, usually just to finalize their Evil Plans. Sometime the Superior Ones capture humans: sacrifices are one of the common use for them, but other times these prisoners are turned into serfs, labor slaves, servants, pets or butlers.
Several characters could play in this role play game. I start by presenting few ones:

Position: serf
Darius born in Italy as a common man, devoted to his work and his interests for decades. His life was not exceptional nor too bad, until “his epiphany”.
It was June 6th, his birthday and he invited old friends for a dinner at his home. Therefore that night Sarah, best Darius’s friend, asked him to invite also a new guest: Drew, her new boss pretending he was alone and had no any connection in the town. Darius was surprised, but accepted to invite him due to the trusty and long friendly relationship with Sarah. Drew arrived with Sarah and as soon as Darius met him, it was clear why Sarah was willing to have him there: Drew was very charismatic, elegant, rich and smart, or at least this was the first impression just by talking to him. At some point during the evening, the new guest proposed the party to make fun by an illusion game: the “Epiphany game”. The “Epiphany” was supposed to be just a game, but in reality Drew was not playing at all, he mesmerized all the other 7 people into the room in just few seconds turning them into puppets: it was a spell able to make them all to fall under his total control. Drew moved them out and ordered to follow him. Darius cannot remember anything about the long way in a van to such secret mansion, nor the portal to move into the Goth Legendary World. He removed also the horrid rites carried out there. However, when Darius returned conscious, he realized that Sarah and him were the only survivors into the middle of a bloody scene. Therefore, they realized that a brand with a strange sign was on their chests, this brand was burning at any tentative to disobey the orders of Drew and other Authorities. Since that day, Sarah turned to be an handmaid of Superior Ones, while darius turned to be a simple serf into this parallel secret dimension. Working as a slave into the Goth Legendary World was not an easy task and he had to learn how to serve the Superior Ones in ways he never imagined in his previous life. This Dark Dimension results connected in some special points with human world, however inside it the Dark Deities and the Superior Ones rules and humans serve, work and obey, or just suffer and get sacrificed.
Soon he realized that he was not able to escape or rebel in any way and he had no choice than to execute all orders, including the most disgusting ones such bas cleaning the temple after sacrifices, satisfy needs of the Superior Ones, Rulers of Darkness, etc. He tried at some point even the suicide, but the curse was not allowing him even to kill himself.
NAME: darius
TYPE: Human Male
AGE: 42
WEIGHT: 207lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Brown
STATUS: serf of Superior Ones, the Rulers of Goth Legendary World
Capabilities: His curse gives him high resistance and force (more than double respect humans). He has healing capabilities and immunity to most poisons and potions thanks to the curse. In addition his memory could be altered and his free will could be overwhelmed by the curse, if some Superior Ones is present. Due to the curse he could see and recognize Superior Ones as well as other magic creatures. He have a ring that he could use as defense against black magic and demons (opponents of his Masters), it mitigates their power, but it is useless on Superior Ones. He wears a pendant that could be activated by Superior Ones and Ladies and Lords of Darkness, able to control his lust as they prefer, increasing it or wiping it out.
Weaknesses: the long slavery turned him into a submissive and make him very easy to be controlled by strong personalities
Personality: darius was used to sarcasm and humor sentences into his original life, but not this is not very common, unless he relax with someone that is kind with him. He is still quite romantic and gentle even if now the submissive nature is much more intense than before. He feel also pretty guilty, time by time, for the crimes and evil actions he had to commit under the direction of the Superior Ones. He is also pretty scared to try to escape or remove the curse because he still remember the hard corrections received when he has tried it in the past.

NOW: After an endless period of servitude into the Goth Legendary World, darius get assigned to a Superior One to serve him into the human world. At some point, without notice, he was taken by Piotr and Lidia Slazesh, a couple of Superior Ones presenting himself as Russian aristocrat plutocrats. Piotr has chosen darius as one of several servants for his mansion without specific motivation. Most of the time Darius just takes care of serving as chauffeur of Piotr’s luxury cars and to carry around his Beautiful Guests, Friends and other Rulers; therefore often Piotr and Lidia assign orders to darius that are related to the Goth Legendary World and obviously he have to obey. Sometime darius is ordered to serve other Superior Ones, Ladies as well as Lords, often their parties turn into carnages, obscure sacrifices and/or lusty orgies. Darius often have just to serve drinks, clean the blades and dispose the bodies, however sometimes, its role is much harder than simply that. darius executes many kind of orders and tasks, however sometimes these results into challenging quests and missions around, including other places, dimensions and times
Adish Kalensh

Position: Superior One, Master
Adish Kalesh born in Ancient Egypt (720 BC) from a High Priest of the Pharaon Court that was secretely devoted to a chthonian Semigod. His father introduced him into the Cult bringing him inside during rites. Indeed he was organizing secretely human sacrifices to get powers. When the Pharaon disvoered the Cult his father get executed and him was send away into exile due to his very young age (6 years old) and considering that nobody suspect him to be involved in these activities. Time was hard for him at that time to survive, he arrived as a beggar in Babylon and lived for years in total poverty experiencing all bad things in such barbaric world. However his basic memories of the secret rites allowed him to get in touch with a local branch of the cult and to raise up in this secret society; finally he was able to learn black magic and acquire special powers during new sacrifices. During a rite a powerful demon called Lugluntu get free and slaughtered the whole rite by taking possession of his body and soul. After the carnage Adish and Lugluntu had a mental fight that resulted into merging together the two identities within Adish and turning him
into a Superior One.
NAME: Adish Kalensh
TYPE: Superior One, Human/Demon
AGE: over 2700 years
WEIGHT: 198lbs
EYES: Dark
HAIR: Blonde
RELATIONSHIPS: Many Intercourses
STATUS: Superior One, Ruler into the Goth Legendary World

Capabilities: He is a Superior One, so he have a lot of capabilities including warlock ability with magic spells, resistance, healing, extreme force and other powers.
He could blow blast of wind able to throw away a truck or destroy a buildng.
Another special capability is into his speed and force very impressive and able to outclassing vampires. He could change his aspect removing he two hors he have on his front or even change his face as he is used to do when he visits the human world. His life is supposed to be endless, but he lost his soul
Weaknesses: He is very lofty and feel the necessity to accept challenges even when it is not necessary
Personality: Adish is a sadistic personality very lofty used to enjoy extreme pleasures and to exercise his powers over others. He is a bad ass and while sometime it acts with limitations in respect of preferences of friends and allied, he could even evolve into exteme behaviors

NOW: After Millennia, Adish is continuing to enjoy his life in the Goth Legendary World, but he still like to visit human world and spend period there living under cover as a Rock Star. Recently he identified new resources in the Goth Legendary World where the extreme conditions and the presence of curses does not allow to use the humans as slave for harvesting the fruits of these black three, so he is planning to raid supernatural and to enslave them to serve into this activity under his control.
Majd Alia Khan

Position: Superior One, Supreme Lady
Majd Alia Khan was original from Persia, born in 1666 after coronation of Suleiman I of Persia. That year a series of natural disasters such as earthquakes, spread of deadly diseases around Iran, plus devastating raids of Cossacks on the Caaspian coast, convinced dark astrologers of the bad influence of Dark Deities and found impressive the sign she had on his left arm since birth. The sign is a pretty clearn reproducing of a winged snake and correspond to a old prophecy. So even if she was a woman she was educated secretely and introduced to deep dark knowledges. His father was member of the Cult and he decided to keep her separate from most of her family to avoid suspects by pretenting she had a rare contagious disease that requires darkness and isolation; a doctor, secret member of the cult and good friend of her father helped him in this issue. Meanwhile Majd learned Black Magic and Cult of Chthonian Deities and she was able to apply complex spells even before 10 years. She was considered the chosen one due to the sign and at 18 years by a special rite into an hidden temple she was appointed as High Priestess of the Cult.
Even if isolated by people and living into a special part of the family palace, she was able to move around by secret passages and covered by dark veils.
In that period women were used to live separate from men so this situation was easy to be managed. His father arranged her marriage with a aristocrat young and powerful prince, Abu Ibrahim Pasha, addicted to the cult as cover, however She was very attracted by him even if due to her Priestess role She was required to consider him just one among all the other followers. She had sex in front of followers in the temple based on the Cult as High Priestess, however this was resulting in the sacrifice of the males after the rite and the partners were often slaves or kidnapped people. His husband very attractive and devoted to the cult, but their relationship was not really active and due to her position he was used to assume a submissive role with Her; he had concubines for his sexual pleasure and Majd was turning to be quite upset for this constrain. She used powers and followers to act behind the scene and to control most of the the Court of the Shah and of his actions especially the estalishment of relations with Europe in Denmark and Holland to introduce secretely the Cult there and get in touch with similar Dark Secret Societies.
At some point she turned so Powerful to be able to move occasionally into the Goth Legendary World and to meet the Superior Ones, this further increased Her beauty and determination so She was able to fashinate a Superior One and to be Her favorite Lover, soon she was eleveated to a Superior One herself. For that event She decided to organize a celebrative sacrifice using as victims his Prince and all the concubine: it was a carnage carried out in front into the temple under the eyes of the whole community while She was enjoying sex just with her beloved Superior One: Prince Ballgord. She was expressing all her rage against his formerly beloved, but passive, husband, for her concubine as well her love for Ballgord. Her new powers give her immortality and She moved to live most of the time in the Goth Legendary World, while continued to influence Asiatic and European evolution of Her cult and other Ones.
More recently Ballgord cheated with a Lady Demon, not just sex that they were used to do often even wit others, but a real love affair with romance. Majd turned to be crazy about it and literally destroyed them both, turning into a heartless ruler in the Goth Legendary World.
NAME: Majd Alia Khan
TYPE: Superior One, Human/Demon
AGE: over 300 years
WEIGHT: 115 lbs
EYES: Dark
HAIR: Black
STATUS: Superior One, Ruler into the Goth Legendary World

Capabilities: She is a Superior One, so he have a lot of capabilities including black magic, resistance, healing, extreme force and speed, plus other powers. She could change Face and Form and could seduce both Males and Females by a simple touch in most of the cases.
Weaknesses: She result weak in presence of intense light and could even have problems in terms with eyes. Her skin, under solar sunshines, make her to experience intense cold and pain.
Personality: She has a disturbed and lonely personality, fruit of her youth. Originally she hated extensively the women in particular because them never get close to her due to fear on her false contagious disease; especially She hated her mother and sisters for that. Her position as high priest, worshiped as a representative of a dark deity, has accustomed her to a dominant role: so She looks normally lordly and She expect submission as a natural condition from others. Indeed She is accustomed to being quite rude with humans while she pretends servility and kindness from others. The sacrificial sexual rites, she experienced, have turned her into a sexual predator with little or no consideration for the partner, who usually was expected to be killed by a magic blade, after her orgasms. Sex for her is often connected to death, even if in her life she has always sought the true and romantic love. Unfortunately She has been always disappointed: first by her human husband prince and then by her beloved Ballrog, supreme demon. By now, She considers men false and traitors and hates them even more than human women. She developed some close friendships with other Female Superior ONese. Having been secretly involved in manipulation and politics through her followers along her whole life, She is very determined and able to manage complex plans. She loves both Persian and European Culture and She is used to dress in many ways, even if veils are fair for her because they protect her sensitive skins and remind her about the times She used them to ove around secretely, however She likes now to have her face free and just cover skin and hair.

NOW: She is living part time in the Goth Legendary World and in the real world under cover as a rich Persian Princess with a fortune in Stoks and activities in Oil and Gas in Middle East. She is used to travel around and to meet the followers of the Cults to provide resources and directions to them in manipulating the Nations and controlling new Activities all around the world. She is still organizing Sacrifices, but spend a lot of time enjoying life in very different ways, from sailing on Her beautiful Yacht to live in high society. She loves arts and act often as a patron for human artists in this world, while She create beautiful and decadent pieces of arts in the Goth Legendary World, including Palaces and Construction Celebrating the Dark Deities erected by using merciless thousands of Her slaves.
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