And She decided to receive in her Floating Palace the Prince Men-Bed-Gal : a friend as friendship could exist between two Superior Ones, indeed a friend She desired to please by her best hospitality and gratitude for a recent and precious favor.
Although different in terms of origin and lineage, nowadays their souls were similar, even if it was dubious to address as souls their torn pieces of spirit, stained by most obscure of sins.
The Palace, however, was candid and full of every kind of luxury, with objects crafted in irreproachable manners, made from the skilled and tireless hands of his followers with a care dictated by a religious devotion to their Supreme Goddesses. Her dress, on the other hand, was totally different: a black gothic dress that amused her and that she enjoyed to show in company with Superior Ones; almost a tribute to the bare simplicity that gave her even more prominence within that baroque white palace suspended in that cold universe.
My Dear Prince in which lands you lead me with my modest Palace? please enjoy a rare essence or a mellifluous pleasure, as we slowly slide towards the destination indicated by you.

Thilli of Stockholm, Flaming Voice of Vendetta, the Wonderful Art springs from your lips like honey.
Great Darkness of the right tone that hates the infidel, Great Wave that nobody dares to obstruct.
Thilli, Flaming Voice of vendetta, nobody dares to hinder you bring confusion and you know how to direct your followers.
Dressed in magnificent clothes, Lady, Goddess, dispense your grace, let your Voice warm the cold of this gigantic space.
You who know how to dip the notes in the Art, I guide you to this rough land of fools to offer you a scene worthy of your Opera.
Do not be afraid please and glide down.

Rare was for Men-Bed-Gal of Bad Tibia, Lord of the Icy Blades, to be called Prince as it happened so much time before and, even rarer, to enjoy the splendid hospitality of Thilli, Flaming Voice of Revenge,.
A small gift granted by him, with even greater prodigality than she had requested, renewed their friendship and now reciprocated with the hospitality of Her Palace and with Her splendid Voice.
Men-Bed-Gal, Lord of the Icy Blades, was fascinated by this Supreme One.
It was not her mere beauty, unique and obscure, that fascinated him, He was trained to face female beauty: He who had not hesitated, as a young man, to brutally violate bodies of beautiful women, raided in the dust of the bloody battles, He who had mercilessly pierced and purified their bodies by solid and melted metal, He who snatched young marvelous eyes airily during rites to honor Meflish the Light Squander.
He respected Thilli, the Flaming voice of Vendetta, as he respected the Sacred Priestesses to whom he devoutly bowed as a young warlord, even though he was aRoyal Heir, Careful among the Warriors and Master of Palaces.
For centuries past and lost, endless slaves, precious as a palace, have enjoyed his bed, though Men-Bed-Gal, Lord of the Icy Blades, preferred other pleasures and different tastes to satisfy his sinful senses.
However, today, Thilli, Flaming Voice of Vendetta, was much more than those of Priestess and just do to Her Supreme Powers, but for that Splendid Voice capable of enchanting the minds.-
The Gift you offer me, Thilli, Flaming Voice of Vendetta, is as dear as Your Hospitality. Little I did to deserve such gratitude; however my personal present to such unique Host is the the stage where to Sing and the tribute to collected.

But even more, thanks to the power of the Chests, the souls generated by these improvised hecatombs were captured within it and they flowed there by silently crying in despairation.-
Oh, my Prince, what a Power
-Thilli exulted and smiled looking at the scene from the balcony of the Palace, while she sang with all his heart and with all her passion, pleased to thank the Prince, her friend. An incomparable soprano voice, capable of exalting notes so intense that men of arms have yielded to tears in other Ages. And now as She was singing, she could clearly perceived the Prince appreciation, his love for her voice so intense to overpass that one of whole legions of kings, while around her, that world was rapidly fading and dying.

At the touch, that black object quivered with the despair of billions of creatures, gathered by an obscure power and imprisoned forever without being able even to rest after death.
Men-Bed-Gal, Lord of the Icy Blades, offered the pearl to Thilli, Flaming Voice of Vendetta, as a present for her spending Hospitality.

Splendid and unique gift, my Prince!
-Thilli dropped the pearl back in her pocket while still feeling her influence, so she was incredibly happy to provide the Prince with all the best of the best that her palace and her properties could grant. Together they were free and they satiated themselves as only the Superior Ones are able to do.
At a certain point, Thilli demanded to the Prince what was the name of such planet and what these creatures have done to deserve such a fate.
In truth, Thilli, Flaming Voice of Vendetta, I ignore it, however I feel its colors were in tune with the Sound of your Voice.
- So they laughed tasty, before to return to more interesting topics.
The ruins of the planet are now part of the Legendary Gothic World and the souls of its people in eternal strident screams of desperation are imprisoned within a Black Pearl, in Thilli's pocket.

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