Worst and Worst

Some times, you feel the place is almost perfect, but a Superior One reveals himself

Some time, even if the Superior One leaves, a Guardian arrives to remind you are just a serf and you have to kneel down and work tirelessly, so you get lost without even noticing that something is emerging in background

Some time, while you kneel down to work hard under the Guardian's supervision, the time space oscillates moving into a new dimension: the Goth Legendary World

Some time, you feel so bad realizing you are trapped into this New World of Abomination, where Infinite Pleasurable Sins are available for Superior Ones while just Indignities and Pain are reserved for you; however you still keep out of total desperate madness by peering secretly the Charming Dark Beauty of Guardians and Pets

... at that time, usually, things starts to going Worst and Worst for serfs like you
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