The Goth Legendary World: Commandaments for serfs
- “We are the Superior Ones, your Gods and Goddess, who captured and enslaved you in Our house of bondage within the Goth Legendary World.
You shall have no other Superior before Us and you will worship Us as Superior Gods and Goddesses of the Goth Legendary World as You will do with Our Deities"
- “You shall make for yourself carved Images likeness of Us and Our Deities and worship Them as commanded.
You should worhsip Our Deities that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that are in the water under the earth; but, over all, you shall bow down to Us, serve and adore Us.
For We, the Superior Ones, are your Gods and Goddess of the Goth Legendary World, and We are jealous, demanding and pretend total submission"
- “You shall not talk unless spoken by a Superior One or a Guardian,
nor bother the Superior Ones in vain, for the Superior Ones will not hold him guiltless who takes Their time in vain. A full day of Your work,
over three times six hours, does not value as a single minute of Our time"
- “Remember to work hard, without rest, and to repeat the Holy Mantras in your mind, while you serve to reinforce your submission.
Three Times six hours, Seven days you shall labor at least and do all your hard work as commanded, but while working tirelessy, you shall
keep your mind occupied in prays to the Superior Ones: you, your sons, your daughters, any other male and female slaves,
should be always and totally devoted to serve, obey, work for the Superior Ones, forever and ever"
- “Honor and obey Our Friends, Our pets and the Guardians that we, the Superior Ones, appointed over you upon the Goth Legendary World
to direct, control and use you"
- “Your mind, body, heart and soul belong to Us, the Superior Ones; you shall obey to each order, immediately and without hesitation,
all your existence will be subject to Our Will and you will not be, even, able to die without Our permission within the Goth Legendary World.
The sole scope of your existence is to serve, obey and work, to satisfy Our needs, to make fun for Us"
- “You shall adopt any Sexual Orientation, include total chastity,
we will impose You and adapt your emotions to serve, please and satisfy the Superior Ones
- “You are not more an human being, now you are just a serf, a slave, no more dignity,
no more freedom, nothing more than an object to be used and abused"
- “You shall not bear false witness against Us, Your truly and deep thoughs now belongs to Us and You should confess them.
Any ideas, emotions, incouscious desire, any rebel feeling, all should be confessed immediately to be corrected.
You shall not share anything of Your new life experience with anyone outside the Goth Legendary World"
- “You shall not covet anything, because you shall not own anything.
All your past belongings and memories belongs to Us, the Superior Ones, Rulers of the Goth Legendary World and you will serve Us to further enrich Our Chests and grow Our Properties"
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