There is now way to resist, there is no option to escape, there is not conditions to negotiate, there is not opportunity to hide away, there is not hope.
If the Superior Ones have decided to take you, your fate is to be enslaved and turned into a serf or to be sacrificed to Their Deities. In any case, it will be Their decision and you cannot do anything about it, because there is no force or power that could save you from Them.

Just kneel down and surrender to the Superior Ones! Accept your fate, dedicate all your efforts to work, serve, obey! Prey Them as Supreme Gods and Goddesses and worship Their Deities. You should apply as hard as possible, but don't worry the Guardians appointed to re-educate, train and direct you will push you so hard that all your limits will be overpassed and you will turn into the most humble and obedient serf you can even imagine. Finally you will be turned into an object, a tool, a toy, a pet, to be used and abused, to obey in silence as commanded, without exitation and without any residual form of dignity or resistance.

So considering that this is your fate, now just relax and surrend! Soon you will be proud of being a serf, proud to carry the Superior Ones around on Luxury Sedan Chairs, eager to eat Their leftovers, happy to live to satisfy any of Their Desires, even before They had to mention them!
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