More characters are here proposed for the Goth Legendary World: a Dark place that lays on a different dimension, hidden from human reality, but interconnected and pretty dangerous:
Davide Snago

Position: from Record Producer to slave
-Davide Snago was born in 1972 in Otranto and has grown in New York City as an Italo American kid. He was a bad boy, fighting in streets and able to create effective relationships with criminals thanks to his determination and ruthlessness spirit. So alon his young years he creae a network of contacts and entered in drug traffic for a short period and then in money laundry activities for mafia. Davide was very successful turning into a self made man and created his own small empire: he raised up the Black Prawn Records, becoming a very successful Record Producer acting in rock and heavy metal music with mafia sponsorships and many influent contacts. Soon he was pretty rich, becoming even more lordly and arrogant than before and quite exhibitionist and megalomaniac.
He further extended his young liaisons with organized crime helping mafia and other organizations to interact with corrupted politicians in USA, UK, Germany and back in Italy. In order to save on taxes and in consideration of his money laundry activities, all his capitals and incomes were managed through off-shore companies and he was apparently nots while living in extreme luxury. Due to this reason, he was able to finalize an effective agreement with his wife, Francesca, to be free to cheat her while she could receive part of his money. By the way Davide forced Francesca to undergo plastic surgery in order to present her as his personal doll in public with extreme sexual attributes.
At some point he had severe financial problems due to his very expensive life style that was turning into a death circle; however he was able to put under contract a very talented young singer that made a lot of money to him. Unfortunately for Davide, this singer got in touch with Powerful Gothic Forces allowing him to find his unknown dark side and providing him with powers to take control of the record house and off-shore bank accounts; soon he kicked out Davide. From this point Davide life turned into a nightmare, no money, no friends, suited by the wife and many starlets, almost homeless; therefore this was just the beginning, in order to survive he accepted to turn into assistant and chauffeur of his former young singer that pushed him down into desperation and humiliation, up to reveal his demoniac nature and enslave him into a serf of the Superior Ones. At that point Davide was so broken and tamed that accepted this new condition and was even grateful to his Master for allowing him to serve.

NAME: Davide Snago
TYPE: Human Male
AGE: 46
WEIGHT: 210lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Brown
FAMILY: Married (early life), Divorced (after)
RELATIONSHIPS: No Family, many Starlets (early life), no one (after)
STATUS: Record Producer (formerly), serf of Superior Ones(after)
Capabilities: Davide does not have powers, but he growth on streets, so he is able to fight hand to hand and use knife in regular way. He is quite skilled in recognizing good music that could impress the audience and has experience in criminal activities dealing with money laundry, drug traffic, etc.
Weaknesses: His inner desire, normally exactly opposite of his façade modes, sometime overrun his capabilities and let him down confused and unable to act rationally.
Personality: David was very conservative and quite bigot privately, despite his affiliation with crime: this was his original cultural background. However during his successful life as Record Editor and dealing with rock and heavy metal music, he had to create a facade as a gothic producer and as a liberal and open mind person; at some point this two attitudes get confused into his mind making him bipolar and disturbed. Indeed during his initial and successful timeframe, Davide pretended to be a quite gifted heterosexual man, married with a very beautiful young woman (Francesca, formerly one of his not very successful singers). In addition, thanks to his position, he used to act as a sexual predator of young singers and starlets, being tolerated by the wife due to their mutual agreement and able to use his power and money to avoid scandals.
Davide has been quite homophobe and quaker since his youth, but he kept this ideads private to avoid problems in artistic community; in reality Davide has an intense and unconscious homosexual side as well as submissive nature that he hides behind his dominant and rude modes, guaranteed by his position and money.

NOW: After his successful days are gone, Davide live now as a slave of a Superior One, spending most of his time in human world even if he is ordered to visits periodically the Goth Legendary World. Davide serves his Master in many ways. Davide often have just to serve as chauffeur however often he get very humiliating tasks to satisfy his Master desire to revenge over him, other times he is appointed to dangerous missions as an expendable element.
Jule Rabius

Julius Rabius was born in 22 AC at Rome from a rich patrician family and passed his youth in Naples on a villa to growth safely from intrigues and even to keep secret his mental disorders that could result in heavy sentences by Roman Justice. In the Villa he learned poetry, literature, philosophy and science, however his mind resulted almost disturbed being affected by sexual sadism disorder: he was used to kill many slaves assigned to the villa for simple pleasure, he was a raper and enjoyed to force his sex slave to assist his murders. He was enjoying to torture both males and females and often he had sex during the scene with other slaves. His Mother, Julia, protected him from being persecuted and kept the secret as long as possible. She tried to cure him, the relationship between them was very intense and based on maternal love. After failure of all doctors and philosophers, the mother tried also magic and black magic, but during a special ceremony a demon take possession of her body and blast her mind and soul leaving her down just as a vegetable. Julius was outraged by this experience and applied for revenge. His sadism resulted much more mitigated, apparently due to his efforts to study arcane books where to find the capability to call back the demon and to kill him for freeing his mother from the curse. He had to browse all part of the empire, including Egypt and Persia, over there he found arcane books teaching very powerful spells and curse that enabled him to call back his demon and to kill him. However in this final fight, Julius realized that the Demon was his father and that her Mother Julia had an intercourse with him to get pregnant being sterile; at some point the mother called the Demon to cure and calm down Julius's psychopathology, but during the ceremonythe cure was just partiallu successful, due to the fact that the demon had had to use Julia Soul as block for Jule's evil side. So after the fight and the destruction of the demon, Jule's mother died and his evil side turned back active in Jule. With this nature back active and his new knowledge of black magic, Julius growth up in power and decided to establish a stronghold on a wild unknown area in Africa and to visit time to time Rome traveling by secret passages among the different dimensions. In his secret small kingdom his followers were organizing continuously dreadful sacrifices on prisoners and sending black slaves for his personal use in his palaces in Rome. He was able to extend his lifetime almost infinitely and finally, after some centuries, he turned to be a Superior One, establishing a palace also in the Goth Legendary World. He continued to share his time between Europe, his secret kingdom in Central Africa and other dimensions. Along the centuries he activated profitable slave trades, especially during barbaric period, middle age and up to modern time. He continued to be a ruler in his small kingdom in Europe till the exploration of central Africa, where he changed façade as an European Entrepreneur dealing with mineral activities.
He still usedto have intensive Sexual Sadism with partners, sometime not using them as victims, but just as pet while he tortures other ones.

NAME: Jule Rabius (formerly Julius)
TYPE: Half Human, Half Demon
AGE: almost millennia
WEIGHT: 150lbs
EYES: Dark
HAIR: Brown
FAMILY: Single
STATUS: Entrepreneur Active in labor intensive business
Capabilities: Jule is tin and tall, therefore his strength is supernatural. He knows many spells and curses in black magic and have the capability to teleport all around using special invisible passages.
Weaknesses: Sometime his mental disease force him to commit sadistic actions loosing temporary control of himself or turning into total loose of control or even deep depression
Personality: He is affected by heavy sexual sadist disease and he still feel guilty for the death of his mother and father. He is a serial killer with an heavily disturbed personality. However with his power developments he resulted to be much more stable. In facts his business activities, dealing with ruthless exploitation of slaves (before) and worker (currently) in labor intensive business, such as mines and factories, give him gratification by oppressing the humans and reduce his need for sacrifices and his sadistic rage explosions.

NOW: Jule is currently traveling around the world for controlling his labor intensive business: mining companies in Africa and factories in East Europe, Asia and Latina Ameria, offices in Rome, London, USA. He still need a continuous refilling of victims to keep him rational and powerful.
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