Rashas (1) was a thriving city when men had not yet begun to tread the earth. The City was founded by a lineage of Chirapters (2) original from Jebesh, within a network of endless galleries in a huge mountain complex, near the place where today stands Mount Djebel Chambi; it soon became a City State able to dominate the whole region: over 30 million years ago. Soon tall black towers began to rise also on the surface and the Chirapters ventured into vast flocks in the skies of this primordial world. A civilization based on a different perception of the world, where the ability of these creatures to see was combined with that of communicating through very high frequency acoustic waves; they could observe objects in their three-dimensional completeness through the echoes of their visual sounds and shared their vision with all those in the vicinity. This common and integral perception of the world produced a very high state of awareness; in fact, the sensitivity of which Chirapters were able allowed them to perceive details such as breathing, palpitation and the vibrations of the body of other living beings and of themselves, providing a pretty good understanding of the emotional state of others and making clear the relative sensations and intentions . It was therefore a society where lies and deception were practically unknown and individuals lived peacefully within large social groups called colonies. In this way in their evolution they developed a special collective intelligence extremely powerful, so much so that they were able to develop profound knowledge in physics and metaphysics, to the point of grasping the foundations of the occult powers of the universe. Chirapters progressively developed a perception of the mysterious creatures that dominated these occult forces: both those that were present in their original world and the others, even more powerful, that moved between different dimensions. The Chirapters were not intimidated by these powers, even being able to perceive them, they indulged and developed over the centuries the multiple cults dedicated to these forces and entities to take advantage of them and live in synergy. They acquired along centuries multiple capacities for manipulation of life forms and matter, soon being able to extend their lives almost indefinitely and succeeding in making their lands prosper. Their underground cities spread out thanks to their renewed ability to model rock and metals, and the Priests and Wizards learn to channel the collective knowledge of occult powers by shaping reality. Soon they learned to travel between the worlds, exploiting the spatial alignments and the arrival on the primitive Earth was one of the their first undertakings. Being the earth, at that time, a primitive world without intelligent life, it was very simple for them to extend their dominion in it. However, they were not interested in colonizing the surface of the planets, but instead sought rare vibrating elements, able to serve in their cults and to satisfy their divinities, thus increasing their knowledge and power. Generally these elements were found in the bowels of the earth. However, despite this chthonic life, the Chirapteras also loved to fly exploiting their thin wings: they did so in immense flocks, singing shrill songs that exalted their collective intelligence and praised their colonies and deities.

So the Chirapters were also doing on earth, but here they experienced new issues that would have heavily influenced them. In fact, the terrestrial atmosphere, slightly different in density and composition to that of their original world, was on one hand inebriating for the individual perception and on the other blurring for the collective mind. In practice, it was possible to conduct more reckless and long flights and obtain an even more precise vision of the surrounding world, but this new type of air reduced drastically the range of their perception and their communications. The ancestral desire for flight led, the Earth's colony to expand on the surface far beyond what had ever happened before, and when the Rashas region was covered with black towers from which millions of them took flight, the Chirapters began to lose contact with the heart of the colony and to fragment into subgroups resulting in impaired in their collective capacity. A much stronger sense of the individuality was developed and the Wizards learned to exploit the occult powers differently from the original Cults. The flights of the Chirapters in the skies had become an occasion for challenges, confrontations and disputes among the different micro-colonies and the city state. These events produced long diatribes and tensions within the Earth Colony and with others on other worlds; heresies emerged and persecutions started against the followers. This was the period known as the Chramak (3), marginalization, which lasted few centuries and led to isolate the micro colonies of surface from the agglomeration of the underground city of Rashas and to generate an endless series of feuds, diatribes and small clashes. The Wizards of the black towers on the surface began to try to use the occult powers for digging directly new tunnels towards possible vibrating elements in the depths of the earth, but these tasks were arduous and required a joint force far superior to that of those small settlements and of the new spells of the Sorcerers. In addition the micro-colonies of the black towers were involved in continuous disputes between them and, at the same time, they tried, as well as digging new galleries, also to steal, from the caves of Rashas, the precious vibrating elements. On the other hand, the inhabitants of Rashas led periodic expeditions to the outer black towers to fight heresies and to acquire resources from the surface that soon turned to be quite precious. In fact, the contacts with the colonies on the other worlds had become rare and it was difficult to grasp propitious alignments between the planets. It soon happened that alongside the raids and disputes, hidden traffics of vibrating elements and natural resources arose between all the different communities; many of these officially declared hostility and proclaimed embargoes, but at the same time they promoted smuggling. At the peak of this situation, during Chramak, things were so degenerate that some micro-colonies decided to use the occult powers in order to obtain new resources from the Earth even more senselessly; it resulted in natural upheavals such as earthquakes and eruptions and some vibrating elements were destroyed in the depths of the Earth. The heresy had rooted to the point of leading to a real war. The occult powers once dominated by the Chirapters and used to grow and develop their civilization were now destined for war: huge clashes devastated the world and the fabric of timespace. This also occurred because of the impaired collective intelligence of terrestrial Chirapters and the new spells of the Wizards that impaired their ability to control occult powers. This war could have destroyed the Earth, although the Chirapters occupied a relatively limited portion of it, but this did not happen. just for the intervention of those Chthonic Gods, multidimensional beings who enjoyed the vibrating elements sown in the depths of the Earth, just by them, millions of years ago. They were Thenkish the thundering father, Frenosha the pure daughter, Angesh the sinuous daughter, Caprush the sister magnanimous, Gomuna the dark consort and others, all creatures revered by the Cults of the Chirapters (4). Disturbed by these clashes and annoyed by this clumsy use of occult powers, they decided to react: first they inspired the faithful priests among the Chirapters to renew their initiatives against heresies, then invited them to collect the wise and the myths in Rashas to bring them in another world indicated by them, where to cultivate the Orthodox Cults and stimulate other vibrating elements. However the heresies were so deeply rooted and also present in Rashas that only a few followed these indications; many were corrupted due the local air and the prohibited trades. So it continued both the war and the excavations and with them the sudden and devastating use of occult powers. So Chtonic Gods generated creatures with a pulsating magmatic core of the planet: they were the Jinish (5) destined to disperse heretics and eliminate the signs of this corrupted colony.

The Jinish had the power to control matter and they were able to change into infinite forms: they assumed at first anthropomorphic appearances similar to those of the Chthonic Gods, but then they chose to be similar to Chirapters in order to dissemble their presence and take them by surprise. In reality the acoustic perceptions of that species, even if only in conditions of proximity, was easily able to distinguish a Jinish from the a Chirapter. The occult powers were used by both forces in the field, creating further devastation, but the power of the Jinishs was much higher and the fate of the war was soon decided. In fact, only a few Chirapters had followed the priests inspired by the Chthonic Gods and left the Earth, so there were many who remained under the cruelty of the clash, which was called the War of Heretic Wizards. As a first action, the Jinishs, led by their leader, Harital (6), the Fair, attacked the mountain where Rashas was set; they filled the tunnels by changing the rock into seething lava and destroyed the city in one fell swoop. There were millions who lived in that underground city, heretics and orthodox, corrupt and innocent people, males, females, old ones and children: in a few minutes they were overwhelmed by the magma and dispersed. However, the desperate screams of the few survivors, taking refuge in the deepest inlets of the Earth, miles deep, continued in vain to echo for many hours, the fumes and the heat tore their bodies in an endless agony, cooking them alive. The lava dissolved all in the molten rock and swept away the entire city and its tunnels without leaving any trace behind it. Harital, the Fair, then brought the battle into the open field against the black towers of the surface. The day changed into an interminable night, overwhelmed by endless thunders thrown by both sides. The Chirapters flew in wild swarms attacking harshly the Harital's armies, which in very similar form were also fluttering, responding with equal violence. Some Jinish were imprisoned for eternity in intradimensional bubbles generated by the occult powers of the Wizards, but many times these spells backfired against the Chirapters, hurling them into other dark dimensions of eternal pain.

Acid rains fell on the Earth, melting the stones and devastating every form of life, volcanoes exploded covering the plains and valleys with glowing ash, exterminated fires swept away immense forests, these disasters caused many of the black towers to fall. However, in the clashes, the thunderbolts and the hot flashes tormented millions of Chirapters, but also many Jinish warriors; in fact, these, although immortal by birth, could know pain and mutilation. In the end the armies of Harital, the Fair, get the victory and the black towers and microcolonies were totally annihilated, incinerating the entire populations of Chirapters; only very few of them managed to escape, in remote regions of the primitive Earth or through fortuitous alignments between the planets; they lived in the shadows and hid from the Jinish for millions of years, often choosing to fall into deep hibernation in secret caves to survive up to future ages.

(1) Rashas: mythical city founded in present-day Tunisia by a hypothetical alien race before the onset of man on earth, over 30 million years ago
(2) Chirapteri: Hypothetical alien race similar to bats original from Jebesh, unknown planet
(3) Chramak: period of marginalization between the Terrestrial Colony and the Others and between the city of Rashas and the Black Towers on the Surface
(4) Chtonic Gods: mythological underground deitieis of which practically nothing is known except names and epithets, according to some are similar to shamanic entities present in the archaic age: Gomuna with Chera (archaic Greek greek divinity ana =, Frenosha with Feronia (Etruscan divinity), Thenkish with Etna (Eurignazini divinity), Angesh with Angzia (Osca divinity), Caprush with Cupra (divine entity picena)
(5) Jinish: creatures generated by magma, assimilated by some to the Jinn of the Islamic culture, to the known Western geniuses or to the Angels
(6) Harital the Fair: Supreme leader of the Jinish from some assimilated to Azazil, also called Al-Harith, Jinn pious and beautiful, of the Islamic culture
(7) Rijatal: Jinish rebel, originally known as the Flaming, then as the Sdegnoso and finally called Riblis the Mutterer, according to some isolated theories it can be assimilated to Agni, Vedic deity of Light and fire
(8) Riblis the Mutterer: see Rijatal
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