whether 'tis nobler flesh & mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous torches
or to take the lead imposing our unbearable troubles
to serfs and by force to enslave them. To whip, to reap
more and more--and by Our Power to say we end
to inferiors life, dominating by millions the human flocks
that world was heir to. 'Tis a consummation
devoutly to be wished. To whip, to reap
to rule--perchance to dream: ay, this is the stub,
for in our extreme pleasure dreams w'll bring pain to slum
and they will have to suffer and despair under our foils,
we will force to work without pauses. There's the respect
we impose as calamity on their miserable lifes.
We choose to be the Superior Ones and they just our serfs
to serve, obey and work up to struggle forever in barf.

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