Paolha Ashegem Voilition (1) is a Superior One, She love to celebrate Nature and celebrate the touch of the Ancient Gods within the worlds they have sown and consecrated to their rites.
Many years have passed since She was a princess of an ancient lost civilization and now Paolha lives in a fold between space and time, in a world that is part of the Goth Legendary World; yet this is not a limitation, neither for Her Reign nor for Her Powers.
The Ancient Gods sowed Worlds: Worlds destined to be used, reaped. Worlds destined to feed them with adoration and goods, life and death, light and darkness. Worlds that were to be guarded and guided along their dark pather drawn by the Ancient Gods.
Arreth (2) was one of these Worlds, created in late age by Asswan (3), Ancient God.
Created in the guise of a flaming stone, the world was inseminated with life to become a precious land, rich in greenery and destined to provide the Ancient Gods of valuable resources for the aeons to come.
When the crust solidified and the volcanoes sprayed the skies of black ash, the seas rained for millennia until they filled entire oceans, only 600 million years had passed since Asswan had shaped that globe, while bringing life into those primordial waters required another 600 million years.
8 times 600 million years, again, served to populate them: first algae and then proto sponges and clams, finally bony fishes.
Millennia flowed fast, while the cold and black earth did not know life, however Asswan had already predicted the fate of Arreth several billions of years in advance. In fact, at some point, the surface began to turn green, while the plants learned to live in the atmosphere; within a few million years, life exploded filling up every ecological niche: the lands, the skies, the deep caves. Asswan appeared in Paolha shortly thereafter, in another space; He chose the form of a jumble of voracious Chilopods with pulsating eyes on peduncles and pseudopods of all shapes: a sight that would have made her mad in seconds, if Paolha was still a human. Asswan showed her his creation and asked her to watch it as a shepherd watches over the flock for her Master: Arreth's vision was astonishing, a whole green globe, pulsating with organic life, a praise to the power of the Ancient Gods, Paolha bowed to her Master and wondered why he had assigned her this task, when He could have scattered Arreth in dust or put it back into boiling lava with the simple gesture of one of his tentacles, but She certainly could not discuss the will of the Ancient God.

Paolha watched over the millennia Arrith's surface as ordered; her eyes wandered over the lush green earth, populated by every form of life, and she lent her understanding of her task: intelligence and civilization were spreading, bringing chaos to the natural pulsating biosphere. At a superficial view the humans of Arreth had many traits in common with the primates from which they descended, but they were already skilled fruit pickers. Paolha followed the primitives even if she rarely inspired them with dreams and visions.
Paolha intervened no more than once every twenty generations, not wanting to alter their evolution heavily and to unravel the mysterious plans of Asswan.
However, believing that she was following Asswan's will, the Superior One led them to develop in the following centuries some new talents and abilities: the use of new tools, sowing, harvesting and wheat production.
The primitives soon created small communities gathered on stilts, where they lived in peace, feeding on fruit and agriculture. Paolha was satisfied and sang hymns to Asswan praising His Creation.
Millennia passed and Paolha decided to teach primitives the cult of Asswan and her beloved daughter Paolha Ashegem Voilition.
She taught them to respect Nature, to grow in peace and provided simple Commandments to guide them: veneration for Asswan and for Her Beloved Daughter, the Respect of the Lunar Vows, the Cult of the Fruits of the Earth, Faithfulness, Sincerity and Docility , the Rite of Bread and the celebration of Childbirth.
Paolha also prohibited war, murder and violence.
Humans subjugated themselves to this religion and grew in number and in knowledge, thanks to the influence of the Suuperior One. They erected celebratory stalks with the image of the Beloved and prayed and venerated them singing praises to Asswan and Mother Nature. .

After many generations, an important change happened: the humans had become too many and the food was not enough anymore, so they started to organize hunting groups and society distinguished itself in classes.
Paolha observed the change, doubtful whether to intervene or not, but the phenomenon was already started when She saw it, since She visited that dimension not too often, while the size and inertia of that phenomenon was already enormous.
The vast non-cultivable areas abandoned for centuries and considered useless and nobody's land, turn to be valuable and became quickly the Reserves: new and precious sources of protein food able to increase force and aggressiveness of humans.
Everywhere, on Arreth, hunting had become the noblest activity: weapons were rapidly developed and, though and the war was still unknown, the Reserves became places of contests and competitions among the different tribes.
Paolha was not satisfied, but she decided to observe and not interfere until it was indispensable: for this she marked her heart and she swore on Asswan to remain faithful to this endeavor to avoid upsetting the dark plans of the ancient God. The strongest hunters became the leaders in the tribes and the social stratification appeared; this resulted in leaving to the women, weaker and less suited to this activity, a secondary role.
The races in the Reserves attributed the right to hunt on the different seasons and the tribes, now grown, joined together to win and take advantage of the preys, while agriculture was losing value. A few generations later the Hunting Kingdoms were built, which aggregated all the old tribes around a Reserve; the Kingdoms usually fell under the domination of the stronger Hunters' groups, creating a new social structure.

Paolha watched occasionally that world, She was not happy with the new developments, but respected His vow. However, at some point and based on some of her visions dictated by foresight, she decided to proceed to sow special seeds consecrated to Asswan and soaked them with Her powerful magic.
Paolha went down for the first time, physically, on Arreth and with her delicate hands put the luminescent seeds under a small layer of soil, the seeds had carved a Dark Seal and, as soon as they were covered, they sank into the ground to several jugera(4) until reaching a deep layer of rock where they stopped: they would have waited for the call before opening maybe for centuries, perhaps for millennia.

In a few centuries, the extermination of preys during hunting was such intense and the population growth so high, that the kingdoms had to fight each other to access enough resources: the War appeared.
The old rites and cults were altered, new religions were born: now the gods of the armies were worshiped; Violence and Death were justified if they allowed to protect their Kingdom and create new value.
The Kingdoms were enormous, led by a complex hierarchical structure composed of descendants of the great Hunters, now the Nobles of this World.
The scientific knowledge for the production of weapons and instruments of war soon overcame that of ancient rites, grasses and fields.
The new religions aggregated the kingdoms into huge coalitions that used all their strength to fight each other
Huge armies of simple soldiers, used without scruples, fought under the guidance of the Noble Hunters in epochal clashes, where several thousands of humans were going to die just to increase the power of the Rulers.
The devastation following was enormous, new cults appeared, less violent, but still aimed at increasing the power of humans on the world around them.
The War continued with few interruptions for many millennia.
Paolha occasionally visited the world and followed the heroes and kings looking at them as mere figures of an interminable tragedy full of ecatombes.

After many centuries, technology developed to such an extent that new weapons and new instruments appeared and were able to allow domination in a new way: the Kingdoms became Nations.
Technology undermined the Religions and the followers of their crusades.
The development of a new Industry created wellbeing and reduced the privileges of the Nobles.
The Nations changed again and became first the States and then Democracies where the richest part of the population was the wealthiest and most envied and the weaks were working in new industries and factories.
The States signed soon peace agreements after experiencing the impact of new wars based on new weapons: wars capable of reaping millions of victims thanks to new technological devices.
The war had become so lethal, that Peace finally appeared.
Paolha returned physically to Arreth and personally visited the new cities, similar to the modern ones of the Earth from which she was born, in her Dimension. She walked among steel and crystal palaces, visited the vast parks and monuments erected to celebrate Peace through the memory of the victims of the Wars. Politicians, Generals, Kings and Heads of State were immortalized in stone and bronze in those huge gardens where the children were used to play.
Paolha was happy, but she knew that this was not meant to last.

Greed, power and wealth demanded new tributes, cities grew excessively to fill themselves with factory workers, and states needed vast crowds to be taxed and used to promote their plans.
Cement and steel were everywhere, new buildings, but above all new vast buildings for the new poor: millions of humans to be exploited.
Millions of people to feed, host and use in endless activities of production and extraction of natural resources to further increase wealth of rich people.
Paohla sadly observed the realization of her vision.

The most pungent hunger of this new civilization was that of energy, not the beneficial energies of Nature, but the technological ones obtained by exploiting the land.
The large hydroelectric plants capable of drying up enormous artificial lakes in a few hours, exhausted the capacity offered by the rivers soon. So giant coal-fired, methane-fueled, and oil-powered power stations were constructed, even others able to exploit the power to crush the atoms. All the machines, the factories and the houses were powered.
Energy that absorbed resources and turned them into ashes, into harmful emissions and into gases capable of changing the climate of the whole planet.
Paolha would have liked to act, but the situation was still solvable and she decided to wait to respect her vote.

The cities were covered with fume and toxic emissions: the artificial fog obscured the blue of the sky and made humans cough. The ashes were deposited everywhere like a black layer of rough dust, the rain had become acid corroding metals and ruining clothes. Everything was evident, yet the States, the Powerful, the workers, while declaring that they wanted to reduce pollution, continued undeterred in their foolish pursuit of money, social growth and power.
Paolha saw these cities deprived of green spaces as an example of a world destined to die, while the inexorable fumes caused from those emissions slowly warmed the planet: a few tenths of a degree a year.

To produce energy it was necessary to extract every natural resource, from the earth and the seas, to create huge plants to refine it and transform it into raw materials to produce energy, steel, plastic and all kinds of goods. The earth was devastated and the increase in the temperature of the planet melted part of the eternal ice of the poles making the level of the Oceans rise a few centimeters a year.
A little thing for the inhabitants of Arreth, but clearly visible to the sages and forward-looking eyes of Paolha.

The production and society structure in Arreth had made the rich ever richer: they lived in splendid palaces in luxury while millions of poor people and workers were fighting for the minimum wage, hoping nevertheless to get rich in their turn, in some mysterious way, to be able to enjoy similar stupid comforts too.
The whole society, at all levels, was consecrated to senseless consumption, to the pursuit of power and to the collection of money.
The more they earned, the more they had power, the more they flaunted wealth: these were seen as the winners and all yearned to imitate them. Due to temperature increase and rase of sea levels, in a few decades many coasts were eroded and many huge cities were forced to move inland. The wealthiest lived often on floating palaces facing the coast, far from the polluted areas, enjoying every ease and vice, regardless of the sufferings of the world. Paolha looked at them with contempt, wishing to punish them, but still that world could have been saved and she respected her covenant without intervening.

The simple waste of that society due uncontrolled consumption became, at first, exterminated quantities destined to fill the deserts and the abandoned areas; then they grew like hills and mountains; finally, they also invaded the seas by creating huge floating islands; therefore Arreth was an entire planet and there was still enough space, however the land and the seas were heavily poisoned by now. Paolha shook her head during her observations, watching millions of poor people live and rummage in landfills just to squander the few money accumulated in other ephemeral consumer goods.

The toxic emissions became so intense that it was no longer possible to breathe close to the industrial complexes. br> The bath in the nearby waters produced now ulcerations that required immediate care and eyes were in danger of losing their sight in contact with those substances.
Whole areas of the planet had become lethal for every form of life and those that still succeeded in surviving changed to adapt to these new conditions.
Paolha looked at these men wrapped in their stupid artificial suits while they continued to extract the planet's resources and dispel them for their greed.

To the gases that created the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere by heating the planet were soon added many other emissions that clogged the sky.
The warming of the oceans had produced immense clouds and terrible hurricanes that upset lands and seas.
The consequent natural disasters became so common that they were no longer news, while the cities overpopulated were the scene of endless massacres.
Suddenly, the temperature of the planet stopped to rise: the blanket of clouds and dust, had reversed the phenomenon. Many scientists applauded the salvation given by Nature's autonomous reaction, but within few years, the decrease of some degrees of the planetary temperature gave rise to a sudden and uncontrolled phenomenon of growth of the glaciers around the world, making them to absorb all the water vapor present in the atmosphere.
The resulting drought almost completely destroyed the agricultural production and led to the extinction of over 1/3 of the animal species.
Paolha had seen this tragedy in his visions: now the point of no return had almost come, but the Superior One decided to let the inhabitants of Arreth do their last moves, before taking action.

The drought drained the water resources of the planet, before the thirst came however the hunger: without irrigation, the intensive agriculture in that polluted world, were destroyed and the greenhouse hydroponic production and artificial fields became sterile.
Endless crowds of hungry created the chaos in all States.
The endless number of the deaths produced new epidemics, the cities became lazzaretto and the countryside devastated by drought were invaded by millions of dying from hunger and thirst running away, but without any destination. In the first few months the war turned on; a war to conquer those few remaining residual resources.
Weapons conceived for total wars, but used only in small fights with tiny little states, began their run and were thrown into the epic clashes among the warriors of this dying world.
Paolha observed the battles, the refugees, the massacres, the extermination: she did not feel pity for those selfish and greedy people.

The weapons were so deadly and precise that in a few weeks all the bridges, roads, airports, ports and most of the industrial complexes were destroyed.
Cities with starvation, without electricity and supplies, lived a virtual state of siege, produced by the complete collapse of the infrastructures of the States.
The same weapons and armies risked becoming soon unable to proceed with operations, so quickly it was decided for an escalation in the vain attempt to quickly achieve a victory: first the chemical weapons and the micro fission devices raged on the battlefield, raising clouds that destroyed all life in a few minutes within short range. Then the tactical atomic warheads of medium power and, even more, the neutrons bombs, thrown to kill the soldiers, limiting damage to infrastructures and population: the losses were huge and, despite the objectives were mainly military, there were hundreds of thousands of deaths among civilians; yet this massacre was a small thing compared to the impact of famine and epidemics.
Paolha was disgusted by this stupid carnage, which would have left any winners in disastrous conditions like the losers.

It was precisely some of the losers, those who had the worst in these clashes or who thought they had lost a war on the massacre, who decided to go to the next level . Major atomic bombs and strategic thermonuclear warheads were launched to destroy the winners. Obviously they responded with equal retaliation, but at this point Paolha decided to interfere: the Superior One blew a curse that hit the wareheads. In most cases they fell down without detonating, sometime releasing the radioactive contents of their wareheads in areas near the targets.
The Superior One would not have left the possibility of annihilation of the creation of Asswan to those stoles. Paolha blocked the spread of the most dangerous radioactive substances of the "end of the world" bombs, destined to destroy life for centuries. However, pollution, drought, toxic, radioactive and pathogenic warlike agents had transformed those that were once rich and fertile lands in arid deserts covered with corpses and destroyed armaments.

The war continued until fuel, ammunition and soldiers ran out.
The cities were full of dead and in ruins, the governments had collapsed: endless rows of refugees invaded the desolate lands of the dying planet, leaving behind an endless trail of dead reaped by disease and hardship.
Survivors were decimated by that poisoned world, devoid of resources and full of threats.
Years passed; the toxic and radioactive clouds after having continued their poisonous activity were partially reabsorbed by the environment except in a few areas: the lands of long death, areas destined to be precluded to life still for countless years.
You could breathe almost everywhere a non-lethal air, although often the weakest organism can get a harbinger of pulmonary diseases and dermatitis.
The impenetrable steel hulls of the destroyed tanks rusted.
Paolha was now close to dissolving her seals.

A new society had emerged from the apocalypse, nomadic tribes devoted to endless tribal clashes for the last resources of food, water, gasoline and anything else left; many were devoted to cannibalism and not only to their enemies.
Those band had swept away any residue of civilization and created real hordes of human waste even more toxic than those produced by industries.
Paohla dissolved his seals , the seeds buried for millennia opened before, from there a few hours from the extreme depths of the earth the Solagreeh(5) emerged, stolons of Zulagreehns (6) and succubus of Torbanaith (7).
From the buds of these enormous plants, capable of growing in the most radioactive desert by absorbing the impiety itself inherent in the dark seal of Asswan, were generated innumerable Zulagreehns, demons of Amarazdh (8), powerful chlorophyll dragons.
These creatures were produced in many forms, some were able to crawl, others to swim, others to run, others to fly.
The Zulagreehns scattered over all Arreth and confronted the tribes of the survivors in clashes where the power of the Demons swept the enemies without mercy.

Zulagreehns soon dominated Arreth following the will of Paolha, Superior One of that dying world. No mercy for those who tried to resist or who was not they surrendered: the demons exterminated them by rending their flesh, but soon Paolha harassed the hunger for the destruction of these demons and used them to take prisoners and to serve as her Guardians.
The survivors of the tribes, the nomads and all the humans still alive, they were collected and escorted by the Zulagreehns through the dead lands, so that Asswan's destiny was fulfilled.
The caravans of the prisoners crossed the barren plains on foot beneath the deafening cries of the chlorophyll dragons without being able to escape in any way.
The screams of the Demons acted like a real whip, able to be addressed with extreme precision a single human or a group: their screams could inflict pain, modulated precisely from the level of an abrupt encouragement to that of an unspeakable punishment that led to insanity.

The Zulagreehns soon learned to utter strident scream in a way that humans understood so as to impose commands: when the prisoners were at the points chosen, the Guardians employed them in intense construction work, to build huge temples in Asswan and Paolha.
The work was extremely tiring, the resources scarce, the interminable timetable and the severity of the Guardians extreme: with such conditions many of the prisoners died in the reconstruction, but always new groups of prisoners, gathered in the arid lands, were led by the Zulagreehns to the erection sites of the temples.
Paolha returned to Arreth a third time and continued to frequently visit this world to oversee the work.
Special collars of an alloy of Ejri (9), forged by the spell of the Superior One, were imposed on the prisoners: on each was engraved a green butterfly, able to increase the resistance and the strength of humans to be able to complete their task in those extreme conditions; the collars could not be removed without applying magic formulas unknown to the prisoners. The collars were able to adapt to the prisoner necks becoming immediately symbionts of then.

At the first luster the first temples were completed: pyramids with large steps, hight two plectrums (10), at the peak of which Paolha lit the Sacred Flames of Dancing Green Light, in honor of Asswan.
The Flames of Dancing Light sprayed the land with green flora, they were able to purify the air and make the earth fertile again.
The powers of Paolha were put to the test during the re-foundation of Arreth, while new and larger temples, tall up to 5 plectrums, were erected under the pressing direction of the Zulagreehns: temples capable of lighting other Flames of Dancing Light and of extending their power to broader horizons.
Every new temple, every new spell, every new fire helped to clean the planet and Paolha had to order innumerable sacrifices to have the energy necessary to complete this work: many prisoners were sacrificed to Asswan in those times.
The surviving prisoners worked without rest under the Guardians: only the collars of Ejri allowed most of them to survive those interminable work shifts. However the prisoners were, magnanimously, allowed to sing without end the Mantra and the Prayer in Paolha, during all hours of daily work; they sang and sang until the completion of each Building or until they are dismissed as empty and exhausted bodies:
Harshly, Falling
Torture, Slashes
in Night are calling
for ashes spirited away
It grows Stronger through the ages!
Suffer the hunger
Accept the pain, Let our skin flay
and though it's cold here
We rise His Palaces in His Name
It's not an home,
it is an Altar where to sting
us inferior for the Supreme King
it a Temple to worship Doms
and to stomp and maim

More than six decades had passed since the beginning of the reconstruction and Paolha visited Arreth almost every month.
A new generation was born and the young men now labored alongside the elderly.
The Sacred Dancing Flames had already cleared a small part of the land and were covering it with flora, the air was cleaned everywhere, except in the long deaths.
When all the main temples were completed, Paolha divided the humans, on one side she placed the young and the innocent, called Daughters and Sons of Arreth; they get removed the Collar of Ejri and were sent to the first reconstructed areas to begin a life of prayer and respect for Nature.
To the guilty of past crimes, rebels, blasphemers and violent, instead the Collar was left of Ejri and they became serfs, put to work all the remnants of reclamation of the contaminated areas: the wells, the sludge bogs, the mountains of debris, the lands of long death.
It was a difficult task, where the protection of the Collars of Ejri was only partially able to protect the prisoners who died slowly and painfully under the merciless lashes of the Guardians who gave him peace.

The Zulagreehns continued to use the serfs in land reclamation, now fertile again.
New crops were activated and, depending on the crimes, the servants of the glebe were allocated to more or less heavy tasks.
They continued to sing nonstop for all 18 hours of daily work, 7 days a week, the Mantra and the Prayer , saying:
Whip and Sting help us to serve and do things
- (1) Paolha Ashegem Voilition: Superior Ones that, based on different hypothesis, is supposed to be evolved from an Egyptian noblewoman, born during the 18th Egyptian New Kingdom Dynasty
- (2) Arreth: Planet site in a parallel dimension that would be created by Asswan to meet its needs
- (3) Asswan: Ancient God of immense powers, from some assimilated to the Ancient Great named Arwassa
- (4) Iugero: measure of length equal to 2,500 m
- (5) Solagreeh: Mythical Stolons, or branches that emerge from an gem near the collar of a mythological plant dedicated to the cult of Torbanaith. The plant was supposed to generate Zulagreehns, plant monsters. The Solagreeh flowing and unrolling on the ground sank at regular intervals under the ground, regenerating by issuing roots and stems from whose buds were given birth the above plant monsters
- (6) Zulagreehns: plant monster with the shape of a spiny dragon capable to have different natures and forms (terrestrial, aerial, aquatic). It is said that the Zulagreehns were generated by a powerful evil of the Amarazdh God.
- (7) Trobanaith: Supernatural Creatures dedicated to plot and lie to protect the Earth Fertility, that of Women and Childbirth; for some assimilated to the Fauns that followed the Armenian Divinity of Zoroastrian origins known as Anahit, daughter and wife of Aramazd, often identified as a mixture of Artemis and Aphrodite
- (8) Amarazdh, Supreme God assimilated by some to Aramazd, brother-in-law of Ahura Mazda from the Zoroastrian Armenians and later identified with Zeus. For others it is a deity equivalent to Baal.
- (9) Ejri: mythical magic metal alloy able to protect and imprison the slaves of the Superior Ones (from the root E Forte, Mule Force, Jri Iron) < li> (10) Plectrum: Unit of Length equal to 29m and 60cm
- (11) Temple of Hator: Temple named after the Egyptian Goddess of Joy and Female Love, located in Deir el-Medina in Egypt and built between 18 and 20 Egyptian Dynasty of the New Kingdom
- (12) Amenophis II: also known as Amenhotep II, Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom (1427 BC - 1401 BC)
Whip and Sting help us to serve and do things
Whip and Sting help us to serve and do things
Whip and Sting help us to serve and do things
Whip and Sting help us to serve and do things
Whip and Sting help us to serve and do things
Glory to the Superior Ones, Glory

by now considered practically extinct, they were repopulated and used to enrich the land.
Animals of all kinds, birds, fish, but also beasts of burden and from the yard.
The serfs could not eat the animals, but only the Quinoa produced in the agricolture, the sour milk of the herds, the Tempeh and the Tofu, produced by Soy.
Agricultural production rapidly increased and the serfs were incessantly motivated by the Guardians.

The servants of Gleba continued to establish new crops: food was enough for the entire population that was growing again.
Paolha had decided for the population just a Vegan diet, and only the Daughters and the Sons of Arreth could, on rare occasions, feed on poultry or red meat.
The new plantations demanded enormous efforts to take root despite the enormous help of the Sacred Dancing Fires.

The serfs converted the hills into terraces to increase agricultural production in areas already completely restored.
The work was as immense as that of the construction of the Temples, even if less flashy, and even in this case the use of the Zulagreehns was essential for successfully completing this monumental undertaking. br>

At this point, despite the enormous use of magic and labor, there was still much to do before leaving Arreth to himself again: the oceans were still polluted and life was hard to spread in the seas.
To solve the problem, Paolha commanded a huge series of sacrifices of serfs to Asswan in order to acquire the power to make a gigantic prodigy: her magic this time allowed to create an immense storm of pure water faling for months, renewing the seas and cleaning them up.
The Suerior One was exhausted at the end and did not visit Arreth for several months after it. In fact after this intervention, Paolha decided to modulate her efforts and consequently the necessary sacrifices, reducing the influence of Sacred Dancing Fires and leaving the majority of the residual labor to the serfs.

Alongside the great temples with the Holy Firemen Dancing, others were erected for worship among the Daughters and Sons of Arreth.
Buildings in the forest next to villages of small houses completely integrated into the green.
The cult prospered and the population grew again, while the Guardians continued to watch humans and their behavior closely.
As the past criminal were almost extinct, like the blasphemers and the other offender, Paolha commanded that the ranks of the serfs had to be reinforced by taking all those among the Sons and Daughters of Arreth who were not sufficiently zealous to obey the Commandments and the Rule that prescribed properly honoring Mother Nature.

The Zealots The Sons and Daughters of Arreth were happy to respect the cult and to guarantee their own way of life: there was a constant celebration of propitiatory rituals in the temples and before the enormous statues of Paolha that had been erected in the forests.
The Zulagreehns controlled that the sacrifices and ceremonies were carried out properly and with the required frequency. new civilization now lived in perfect symbiosis with Nature and Arreth was re-flowering.

A series of new infrastructures were built, from serfs, into the new forests of the reborn planet. Everything was done without the aid of technology: huge aqueducts, sewage systems, roads and everything that allowed the new community of Zealos Daughters and Sons of Arreth.
The vegetation absorbed and integrated with these stone and mortar constructions celebrating the expressed desire of Asswan just as Paolha had wanted to exuend it.

New generations were born from the grandchildren of Paolha, but also between serfs.
The daughters and sons of the guilty also grew as a serf, expiating their sins and those of their parents under the watchful and ruthless eyes of the Zulagreehns.
The crops were now such as to support a large population and the now almost completely healed planet was now intensely repopulated.

Paolha established a body of Priestesses, giving them the epithet of Nepiphys of Paolha, destined to celebrate rites and myths in the forests, the sacrifices before the tall Statues and in the temples.
This led to the reinvigoration of the power of Paolha and enrich the glory of Asswan, as it was required by him millennia before.

At this point the serfs also built huge palaces for Paolha and for His Guests.
Dark and Tall Gothic Castles , perfectly integrated into the green, which dominated the lush valleys of this reborn world and the villages of the Zealos Daughters and Sons of Arreth.
They were beautiful buildings that offered an opulent refuge for the Superior One and for Her friends in full respect of Mother Nature and celebrating the cult of Asswan.

One day, Paolha remembered one of the floating buildings she had observed on old time and wanted to search for it.
The Palace laid at the bottom of the ocean: it had been destroyed during the wars and little remains of what had been a luxurious palace where there. Paolha recovered it from the depths and ordered serfs to work for hundreds of thousands of hours to rebuild it, practically from the scratches, since in the end there were very few surviving original parts.
Paolha put the Floating Palace into the sea and offered there her Hospitality to Friends and Superior Ones in that decadent remnant of a lost world.
Now on the horizon appeared a coast covered by a lush and green forest, the air was pure and the sea clear.
Arreth had been cleaned up and she was ready to serve Asswan, the Ancient God, as he had commanded.
That planet has been cleaned and She had punished the guilty. Paolha felt extreme satisfaction thinking about all and enjoyed the taste of this sensation while one of her servants offered her a glass of a rare wine.
In the background the flight of the Zulagreehns and its cries reminded that you can not clean up a world without making sacrifices.
Paolha was heartened by so much success, she lay down and rested as she liked to make while others labor as She was used to do since the time of the construction of the temple of Hathor (11), during the reign of Amenophis II (12).
Asswan observed the work of Paolha from another dimension, along the duration of those few millennia until that restore of the Floating Palace.
The Ancient God writhed, secreting his precious sebum from a thousand of his pulsing globules, in unison all the 63 million Zulagreehns of Asseth hissed a silent yelp that painfully ulcerated the slaves in proximity, without, while that sound was silent to others: Asswan was satisfied and did not want to disturb Paolha, his Adored Follower.

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