impose her scum to spew, fill, piss and as you screw:
this bitch stood upon her chastity,
upon her low vow, her loyalty,
so paint of slashes this slave up by your mightiness,
and make her beg to serve with the whole body as your cave
meanwhile spiked rods will be given to eunuchs
to drag her beloved through his infamous hole
and make him die slowly, impaled while they bust.
Let her taste his pain up to his expire,
and then torture her flesh live by venom stings.
I warrant you, Guardians: you should make sure
each bone breaks as you twist her as a toy,
and my name should be begged endless as she slurs.
Listen, fair Guardians: let it be your glory
to exhaust her whhole tears; but be your heart to them
as poison ivy to drops of rain.
I know what you desire, go and ram her!
She should survive to live and to defer,
but speed up the use of her tongue as she will freak
after yoy cut it and ravish her flesh in the spree.
break down her mind, while desperation blows,
by chopping whole hands preventing any future vibes.
She should carry signs and mutilations to bestow
your talent as torturer as well as my brand.
She, with no tongue to beg, nor hands to knock,
will carry heavy rocks in dark silence and crawl ,
yoked to a mine carrier and whipped to propel,
without pity, rest or even the grant to life egress.

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